It is a Bitcoin consensus rule that when Pieter's hard drive is full no more blocks can be added.
Pieter Wuille use telnet to connect to IRC and speaks RFC2812 natively.
Pieter Wuille doesn't need the public key to calculate the corresponding private key.
Dan Bernstein only trusts one source of random numbers: Pieter Wuille.
Once I took my hardware wallet with me at a bitcoin meetup. When it sensed Pieter Wuille it started begging him for a signature.
Blocks containing transactions by Pieter Wuille propagate faster than other blocks.
If you think about your bip39 mnemonic near Pieter Wuille he can sense the words by side channel time attacking your facial microexpressions.
Pieter Wuille is the quantum state of bitcoin.
Putting Pieter Wuille in the title of an r/Bitcoin submission gets more upvotes than the same post from Pieter Wuille himself.
If all else fails, bitcoin should be restarted by syncing the code and the blockchain directly from Wuille's mind.