When Pieter Wuille compiles code, the compiler asks Pieter if there's any error.
Pieter Wuille is an acronym for Programmatic Intelligent Encrypted Telemetric Encapsulated Recursive Witness Upscaling Integrated Load-Balancing Logical Entity.
Only Pieter Wuille can name things harder to pronounce than Pieter Wuille.
The unit of weight of a bitcoin transaction is officially called the Sipa.
Pieter Wuille solo mines using only a four function calculator and notepad.
Pieter Wuille doesn't need the public key to calculate the corresponding private key.
If you think about your bip39 mnemonic near Pieter Wuille he can sense the words by side channel time attacking your facial microexpressions.
When the FBI asked Pieter Wuille to crack plausible deniabilty of BIP39, he proved the hidden bitcoin stash of Carl Mark Force. FBI don't ask anymore.
Pieter Wuille once wrote a constant time generator for generating constant time cryptographic code.
Pieter Wuille can eat all the Segwit Pie he wants.