Pieter Wuille once stopped a riot at the courthouse by segregating the witnesses.
Dan Bernstein only trusts one source of random numbers: Pieter Wuille.
Pieter Wuille vanity sites are not run by Pieter Wuille.
The blockchain is getting bigger, yet every time Pieter Wuille uses his fingers it takes less to sync - if we extrapolate, singularity?
Pieter Wuille wrote a one-digit checksum algorithm to prevent people misspelling his name.
Pieter Wuille doesn't mine blocks through repeated use of the SHA256 hash function. He simply looks at the block header and applies the appropriate nonce.
Pieter Wuille is an acronym for Programmatic Intelligent Encrypted Telemetric Encapsulated Recursive Witness Upscaling Integrated Load-Balancing Logical Entity.
The unit of weight of a bitcoin transaction is officially called the Sipa.
If a tree falls in a forest and no one is around to hear it, Pieter Wuille knows.
Pieter Wuille won the underhanded crypto contest but his entry was so underhanded nobody even knows he entered.